Hallelujah, Hail YAHUAH GOD Bless Everyone in YAHUSHA’S JESUS’ Name. CALL 310.686.7907 and get involved You may also email Us at education@funandmoneynews.com People are living underground in tunnels and aqueducts, in riverbeds, on rooftops, in wooded areas, abandoned dilapidated houses, sidewalks, on elevators, bus stops, in cars, R.V.s, etc. Please HELP Us end Homelessness. We collaborate to build houses 3/2s for $110k and less and apartment buildings in range of $45k per unit: • Land is needed to build low income houses and apartment homes. • Request Our business plan for building new communities. Call Us 310.686.7907. We do: Weekly Groceries Giveaways at 60TH Place & Normandie Southeast Corner 90044 and meals to 22+ Homeless Communities and We have needs: Need more hand sanitizer, soap, feminine hygienes. Nee-eed Larger SUV(s). Need Program Funding. Thank You. Cultural Literacy Intelligence Foundation Federation & Seeking Other Alternative Resources
Scott Joplin Chamber Orchestra Director Dr. Anne Lundy, Sponsor an Event please. Thank You. Producer Queenii Ruth has produced festivals and touring shows that have been seen in markets: Houston Saint Louis East Saint Louis Los Angeles Inglewood Pasadena Paris France…: some official counts from 4k to 40K… Imagine Scott Joplin Chamber Orchestra here! Create music appreciation. Performance Budgets commensurate with Standard Rates Sponsor an Event or RAP to TAP PERFORMANCE CAMP: Classes In 1994, to quote Principal Mrs. Arthur Brown of Frost Elementary School in Houston Independent School District HISD, "These children are reading! We gave you our special needs children because we figured they wouldn't learn anything in Drama, but at least they wouldn't be disappointed." It was heralded at the school and at The Community Music Center of Houston, Inc. The 5th and 6th graders at Frost started out reading on 2nd and 3rd Grade Level raising reading levels some up to 11.0+
Hallelujah, Hail YAHUAH GOD Bless Everyone in YAHUSHA’S JESUS’ Name. CALL 310.686.7907 and get involved You may also email Us at education@funandmoneynews.com People are living underground in tunnels and aqueducts, in riverbeds, on rooftops, in wooded areas, abandoned dilapidated houses, sidewalks, on elevators, bus stops, in cars, R.V.s, etc. Please HELP Us end Homelessness. We collaborate to build houses 3/2s for $110k and less and apartment buildings in range of $45k per unit: • Land is needed to build low income houses and apartment homes. • Request Our business plan for building new communities. Call Us 310.686.7907. We do: Weekly Groceries Giveaways at 60TH Place & Normandie Southeast Corner 90044 and meals to 22+ Homeless Communities and We have needs: Need more hand sanitizer, soap, feminine hygienes. Nee-eed Larger SUV(s). Need Program Funding. Thank You. Cultural Literacy Intelligence Foundation Federation & Seeking Other Alternative Resources